On Friday, May 13, Four Oaks Bridge hosted Blues In The Schools with Gary Gibson, education chairman of the Linn County Blues Society. This cultural event taught the children about the rich history of blues music and included many opportunities for the children to participate. Gary encouraged lots of singing and clapping out musical time. Other musicians in the Gary Gibson Group included Bob Mays on the bass guitar and Charlie Faulkner on the drums.
After their performance, Gary then took many questions from the enthusiastic group of children afterwards. One question I think threw Gary a bit was “Where did heavy metal originate?”
The large group of K-4 grade students that were in attendance were somewhat of a tough crowd, though. They seemed to be really attuned to today’s music.

Gary Gibson, guitar in hand, helps a young blues enthusiast to pluck the strings while Gary, of course, helps with the chords.
The program began about 4PM and ended with a huge round of applause for the kids and teachers around 5:30PM. The event was really a great success. It appears that this will be an program that will grow as intrest was expressed to have more of these types of presentations. Of course, the LCBS will be all over this!
Evan Vulich