LCBS Calendar
Last month I wrote about the new LCBS calendar of events. The new calendar will be on-line before you receive the July Bluespaper; we are working out the last few kinks. There is still time to send your comments or suggestions about the calendar. Use our Contact LCBS form to send them to me.
One of the comments I received last month was from a member who has not been receiving the BluesBlast email. If you are an LCBS member and don’t receive the BluesBlast e-mail, contact me using the link above and we’ll get you on the list.
If you are not a member, and would like to receive the BluesBlast e-mail every week, please consider joining the Linn County Blues Society. It’s only $20 a year. That’s less than 40 cents a week to be notified of where all the best live music is in our area. And we send you the Bluespaper every month.
Many of you have heard already about the artists featured at this year’s Bluesmore. Next month’s Bluespaper will be packed with information about Bluesmore. But for those who have not heard, the 18th annual Bluesmore will open with Perry and the Pumpers (from Cedar Rapids), followed by John Lisi and Delta Funk (from New Orleans) and headlined by Grammy Award winners Chubby Carrier and the Bayou Swamp Band (from New Orleans). Chubby won the Grammy this February for best Zydeco or Cajun album. This year should be a great show, so put Saturday, August 6 on your calendar.
We just got the Bluesmore posters and advance tickets back from the printers, so you will start seeing these around town soon. The best value is to buy your tickets in advance. Tickets are $15 at the gate, but only $13 in advance, or $12 with the coupons you will find in the Gazette. Check online for the local ticket outlets.
Shameless Plug: Regular readers will note a different picture of the Rev this month. The Rev finally got fed up with his friends asking where he got the mug shot that usually accompanies this column, so he got a new caricature from Barb Jacobs. You can get one from her, too. Her web site is barbjart.com. Check it out. This month, go out to see some live music, and remember to say hi to the Rev when you see him.