We look forward to meeting all of you and hopefully, see you at the shows!
If you haven't joined and want to, simply fill out the LCBS application here and send it in with your check.
Also, be sure to attend the next LCBS meeting! You are all invited to attend.
Also, we are ALWAYS looking for volunteers!
If you wish you help, we have many areas that can use an extra hand. Please e-mail and let us know in what area you might be interested in helping the LCBS.
Again, THANKS for joining us and helping to make the LCBS the BEST that it can be.
Linn County Blues Society
PO Box 2672
Cedar Rapids, IA
You are all invited to the next LCBS meeting at:
The Longbranch
90 Twixt Town Rd.
Marion, IA
*Monday, June 6, 2011
at 6:30pm.
*Please note that we have moved our monthly meetings now BACK to the first (1st) Monday of each month. We hope to see you there!
THANKS for for renewing!
Mike Williams, Roger & Pam Barry, Mike & Lori Leo, James Neuhaus, Marcy Pease, Janey & Dan Wall, Harlan Yoder, Robert Brost, Kevin & Norma Cutsforth, Tim Feldmann, Rife Recording Studio, New Bohemia, Alan Jensen, John "pour me another Bailey's" & his very tolerant and wonderful wife, Elaine “say it loud, say it plowed” Mattingly, Jordan & Jane Pettus, Steve & Kate Sanders, Bill Shanklin, Mike & Judy Weldon, Dale Cooley, Bob Deforest, Gary Gibson, Bryce Janey, Bev & Ian Philpott, Stuart Seiler, Phillip Smith, and finally, the very “Reverend” Frank Wilson & his wife, Diane and Superman.